New Book Release – Book 2 – The Incredible Adventures of Merri Berri Blue & Me: The Merri Years

Book Cover Illustration of girl in wheelchair with her friends

Well, I know it’s been awhile since I last posted anything here…

Shame on me!

But, I have been busy working on the illustrations for the second book in the series of The Incredible Adventures of Merri Berri Blue and Me by Dr. Sunday Erickson, Ph.D., and foreword by Dr. Carl Welliver, Ph.D.

After redoing the cover for the first book in the series, since it was being republished under a bit different of a title, you can read more about that on my previous post here, Sketching and Drawing a Book Cover it was back to working on the scenes for the second book.

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Book Cover Design Art – Part 2 of Drawing & Sketching Book Cover Artwork


New Book Cover Design Art and Title Hey there folks, This is part two about the relaunch of the first book of The Incredible Adventures of Merri Berri Blue series. Yes, it’s a series, so there’ll be a second book coming out soon! Anyways, the first book has gone over some changes…both the cover artwork … Read more

Drawing & Sketching Book Cover Artwork for The Incredible Adventures of Merri Berri Blue

Drawing & Sketching Book Cover Artwork for The Incredible Adventures of Merri Berri Blue

New Book Cover Artwork and Design – Drawings and Sketches The Relaunch of The Incredible Adventures of Merri Berri Blue – Tutu Much by Sunday Erickson Hey there, just thought I’d finally add another post here and show you what I’ve been up to…well, a bit of what I’ve been doing for quite some time … Read more


Realistic and Fantasy Artwork of Creatures, Characters, and Nature

Welcome to Upper Michigan Artist, Sherry Bunker’s Gallery!

Artworks are in a variety of mediums. I enjoy working in many traditional mediums as well as digital.

Animals and Nature

(Click images to view full image)

Fantasy Creatures

(Click images to view full image)

Book Illustrations

Food Illustrations

More to be added here soon!

Thanks for stopping by, and please check back for more updates here…COMING SOON!

Great Christmas Gift for Young and Old Alike – The Incredible Adventures of Merri Berri Blue; Tu-Tu Much

Great Christmas Gift for Young and Old Alike

Looking for a Great Christmas Gift for Someone? Hey there my friends, Time sure is flying isn’t it? Wow, I can’t believe Christmas is almost here… Only 11 days and it’ll be Christmas morning and it’ll be time to watch our beloved family members and friends open the presents Santa brought for them. Well, since … Read more