Well, I know it’s been awhile since I last posted anything here…
Shame on me!
But, I have been busy working on the illustrations for the second book in the series of The Incredible Adventures of Merri Berri Blue and Me by Dr. Sunday Erickson, Ph.D., and foreword by Dr. Carl Welliver, Ph.D.
After redoing the cover for the first book in the series, since it was being republished under a bit different of a title, you can read more about that on my previous post here, Sketching and Drawing a Book Cover it was back to working on the scenes for the second book.
The team at Merri Berri Blue Publishing and I also had to decide on ideas for the cover for Book Two as well. Now that took awhile getting things together and coming up with ideas we all agreed on.
But, we finally got it all done and thanks to the expertise of Dr. Carl, we now have THE INCREDIBLE ADVENTURES OF MERRI BERRI BLUE AND ME: THE WONDER YEARS on sale at Amazon along with a couple of other places, which I’ll add the links to them as well in a bit here….for now, I just wanted to make sure I got this out today, lol!
Just a little heads up in case you’re wondering…yeah, I know it says Wonder Years in the title here and on Amazon too…but, the book title says Merri Years on the actual cover if you look at it over there. So, I’m not sure what happened, but hopefully we can get it corrected so there’s no confusion.
Oh well, things happen!
I thought I’d take a bit of time and make a short little video of some of the artwork in the book. After much fiddling, I finally decided I may as well use a chapter that fits more with the season of the year, since it is December now. So, I decided on chapter 6 to be my guinea pig of sorts to make a video of some of the sketches to final artwork here, lol…
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the short video…
I’m a bit new at video…it’s actually the first one I’ve ever made that I actually shared with anyone, lol. Next time I’m not going with the page animations, it made it a bit twitchy, lol…oh well, too late to fix it now!
Maybe I’ll do a new one of it another day…
I really enjoyed reading this second book as I went through it to get a better feel of what the scenes should look like and I’m sure you will too! Sunday’s an excellent writer in my opinion, she’s got me reading books I normally don’t read, and getting quite wrapped up in the story.
So, go ahead and check it out at the link below:
Click the image to order it’s Available Now!
Thanks for reading! I hope you have an awesome night!
Please share this and help our team get word out of the second book in The Incredible Adventures of Merri Berri Blue and Me series…we’d all appreciate it ever so much!