Work in Progress Artwork – Phoenix Bird Drawing

Phoenix Bird Drawing

Sketching & Drawing a Phoenix

Hello friends, I know it’s been awhile again since I’ve posted here, I really need to get my artwork posted more frequently!

Anyways, I’ve been busy still working on a few different projects, a couple of book projects with Dr. Carl Welliver, Ph.D..

These couple of projects will keep us busy for the time being since the Merri Berri Blue book series is on hold for now, due to the tragic passing of our beloved author and good friend, Sunday Erickson, last month. Oh, do we miss our dear Sunday! I’m still in a rather lost state of mind after hearing of her passing…

However, I’ll need to update you more on this very soon…we’d love to continue the work on her third book, which is waiting yet to be published, but due to the circumstances it’s still up in the air.

A drawing of a Phoenix Bird Rising is something I’ve wanted to do for a long time, it’s been kicking around in my head for months now, and I found this a fitting time to let it loose…the Phoenix is a symbol of inspiration for many, as a symbol of rebirth or eternal life.

I started sketching the phoenix while visiting my dad last week, and later realized I should’ve made it a bit smaller to fit on the sketchbook I brought, but it is what it is, lol.

Drawing of the Phoenix out of my sketchbook

Rough Sketch

Sketch drawing of the Phoenix rising
Rough Sketch

After a lot of fiddling with our printer/scanner I finally got it scanned into the computer…Yay! Well, I don’t know if it’s my fault or the printer’s…tired and in a hurry to get it scanned in, I couldn’t figure out how it worked to scan it in as an image at first, it kept auto-scanning as a PDF, which is NOT what I wanted!

I think it took me longer trying to scan it into the computer than drawing it did!

Even though it was scanned into the computer, as shown above, it still needed a bit of work to it. Since scanning just makes an image of whatever is placed there to be scanned, it ended up with areas that need to be cropped out if I want it to look very nice, or who knows, maybe eventually it’ll become a print to sell once I’m finished with it.

Anyways, to crop the edges of my phoenix drawing, I used the program, Krita, which I’ve been using for awhile now. It’s a pretty awesome art software, has many of the same features of Photoshop according to others. However, unlike Photoshop, this program is free to download and use which is what I love about it! There are tons of things you can use it for, not just cropping a photo or image!

In fact, Krita has so many options to use that I still am learning my way around it by watching tutorials on YouTube, which are very helpful…btw, if you want to check it out you can do so here at or just search for it on Google!

Cropping and Adding Text

The Cropped Image of my Phoenix Drawing

Cropping out the edges and adding text

Above is the cropped image of the sketch I did on paper along with some text I added as well…you can do that in Krita too!

So, Why did I want to go to the trouble of scanning it into the computer and not just share it as is?

Well, the reason is, as I mentioned before, in hindsight, I should have made it smaller so I could fit everything I wanted in the drawing. I may use this to make a new digital drawing of a phoenix and add on the tail feathers and some other little things as well.

Or, I might just draw another one in my sketchbook and hopefully, make it smaller to fit the whole bird, tail feathers and all!

I might also just leave it as is and start adding an outline in color to it…like shown in the image below…

Outlining the Phoenix Drawing

Phoenix Sketch outline layer with a purple color

Rough Outline of Sketch

Why the Outline, you ask?

You’ll have to see, in my next post here soon!


Have you ever tried drawing a Phoenix Bird? Have any questions you’d like to ask?

If you do have a drawing, questions, or comments you’d like to share, I’d love to hear from you. Please let me know in the comment box below.

I hope you enjoyed reading, and if so, please share it with your friends! I’d greatly appreciate it!

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