Book Cover Artwork – Work in Progress Art for Self Defense Book

Recent Artwork – Book Cover Illustration

So, I know it’s been awhile since I posted here again…

I do have to say I’ve been busy working on a lot of things, and thought I’d share one of them here in a quick post…

My dear friend, Dr. Carl Welliver asked if I’d be interested in doing another book cover for a project he’s been working on recently. This project involves a training program on learning techniques to protect ourselves from the predators that may be out there in our neighborhoods and shopping areas. Along with the classes he’s doing on this subject, Dr. Carl also is working on a new book on Self Defense…but, so far, the title is not yet set in stone.

So, of course, I told Dr. Carl that I’m interested in working on it!

Here’s the progress from the first rough sketch to the final one below…

Book Cover Artwork for the Self Defense Book

rough sketch drawing of woman and man
Rough Sketch of woman and man
adding color to the rough sketch of a woman using self defense technique
Adding color to the rough sketch of a woman using self defense technique
adding color to rough sketch of man
Adding color to rough sketch of man
Adding extra details and more color to skin, shoes and adding sunglasses
Self Defense Book Cover Final Image of man and woman
Final Image for the Self Defense Company Book Cover!

These are just a few of the images I saved along the way to show the progress as it went….

I’d also like to share with you where you can find out more about Self Defense on Dr. Carl’s Facebook page which can be found here SDC Greater Boston

Right now, this book isn’t quite out yet…but, it will be soon, so once it is, I’ll add the link for where you can find it.

Thanks for checking it out!

Hope you enjoyed this little bit of artwork here…yeah, kinda different from the other book covers eh? LOL, I had fun working on it, though!

And, of course this hasn’t been all I’ve been working on…there have been quite a few different drawings and paintings I’ve been working on along with learning how to do screen recordings of my digital artwork and turning it into video!

I just have to get them uploaded on the site yet.

Thanks for checking it out!
Please share this if you like it!

I’d appreciate it ever so much! Plus, learning self defense is a good thing in my opinion…it’s another way to stay safer out there! So, I’ll definitely let you know here once I get word the book is published…

Stay tuned and be happy and well in the meantime!

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